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Press release on activities of foreign media in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan

The official Yerevan has been attempting to organize visits of foreign media to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan in order to deceive the international community and divert the focus from the political-legal liability they carry for the subversive and provocative actions of the Armenian armed forces since April 2 in the frontline, using heavy artillery and other heavy weaponry in the shelling of the Azerbaijani population across the line of contact and causing deaths and injuries among the civilians.

Understanding the need and interest of the foreign media to carry out their professional activities and cover the tensions on the contact line, we call the the following rules must be respected:

- Respecting Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty and the norms and principles of international law, the foreign media representatives intending to carry out the journalistic activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan by Armenia, should apply for accreditation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan in advance. The requests can be submitted from the MFA website via e-accreditation.

- To ensure objectivity and balanced attitude, to avoid one-sided approach and to provide the international community with the accurate information, the damage caused to Azerbaijani civilian population and objects as the result of the actions of the Armenian armed forces along the contact line should be highlighted.

- We advise the foreign media to carefully consider the accuracy of the materials provided by Armenia, which consists of misinformation, false and provocative materials and fabricated scenes, with the purpose of deceiving the international community.


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