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Press release 28 January 2019

The International Forum on “Mass Tourism in Historical Cities” to be held on June 7-11, 2019, in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

On June 7-11, 2019, at the Heydar Aliyev Centre, for the first time in Baku, the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan (UAA) will hold the International Forum on Mass Tourism in Historical Cities.

The International Union of Architects (UIA) is a non-governmental organization founded in Lausanne, Switzerland on June 28, 1948, to unite the professional associations of architects of the world. Now, the UIA represents more than 3.5 million architects worldwide.

According to preliminary information, the Forum will be attended by representatives from 5 Regions of the UIA member - sections: Region I which covers Western Europe; Region II - Countries of Eastern Europe and the Middle East; Region III - America; Region IV - Asia and Oceania; Region V - Africa.

It is worth noting that the upcoming Architectural Forum is an international and large-scale event for the entire world cultural community. Architects, cultural figures, experts on heritage issues, leaders shaping world tourism, heads of global companies, travel agencies will participate in the Forum.

The cultural potential of every region is expressed in its historical heritage. Most tourist destinations take good care of their history as a factor in attracting tourist flows. The presence of unique historical sites can predetermine the successful development of tourism in the region. Acquaintance with history and historical objects is the strongest driving motivation of tourism.

In the world, cultural heritage sites and cities rich in architectural, historical and cultural monuments are becoming places of active visits for a growing number of tourists. In this regard, the problems of preserving the heritage from tourists, which often become one of the sources of danger to heritage sites, are also actualized. So, under the threat of destruction and extinction are many objects inscribed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Great attention has been paid to preserving cultural heritage in Azerbaijan. Extensive and fruitful activity in preserving cultural heritage sites is being carried out with support from President Ilham Aliyev and the First Vice-President, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva.  Azerbaijan, possessing enormous historical, cultural and tourist potential, has an undoubted prospect of development and expansion of tourist services in the field of cultural and ecological tourism.

The “Mass Tourism in Historical Cities” Forum will be dedicated to addressing these issues and determining how architects and other actors will be able to adapt tourism to historical conditions and create greater harmony between the City and the Tourists. The forum is open to participants of both developed and new historical tourist destinations. The forum is addressed to specialists from the tourism and travel sector, politicians, architects, historical conservation experts and students, specialists from related industries.

The purpose of the Forum is to: study how to develop tourism in a sustainable manner; analyze existing and potential heritage preservation policies; discuss the role of the architect in managing mass tourism in historical places; consider the today architecture as a heritage for tomorrow.

The task of the Forum is to prevent the loss of cultural values that are irreparable and irreversible. Any loss of cultural heritage will inevitably affect all areas of the life of present and future generations. A timely and comprehensive assessment of the effects of tourism, the development of directions for tourism policies is needed that would prevent the destructive impact of tourism and maximize the benefits.

The forum will include several sessions at which participants will be able to make presentations and express their opinions, as well as discuss global topics on the preservation of historical heritage.

We hope that this Forum will be held as a dialogue not only with travel companies, but with specialists from related professions. The Forum will become a platform to stimulate solutions to all pressing problems facing the industry, including the improvement of the regulatory framework in the field of preservation and use of cultural values.

We invite everyone to take part in the Forum, so that each of you could contribute to the preservation of heritage sites without detriment to tourism development. After all, the world is our home, and all this is our heritage. We must protect it for future generations.

Further information about the Forum can be found by clicking on the following link

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