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Press release 05 May 2016

Comments by the Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about a draft law to be reviewed by Armenia on recognition of the so-called regime

According to the mass media reports, the government of the Republic of Armenia intends to review so-called draft law on “recognition of the independence of Nagorno Karabakh” at the meeting to be held on May 5.

Regardless of results of the discussions, Armenia with its such provocative action once again flagrantly violates the norms and principles of international law, the relevant resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council in 1993, as well as documents and decisions of other international organizations on the conflict. As it is well-known, the UN Security Council has unequivocally confirmed Nagorno Karabakh as an integral part of Azerbaijan and demanded immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of the occupying forces from all seized lands of Azerbaijan.

By regularly perpetrating provocative acts, as well as violating ceasefire, firing at the cities and villages of Azerbaijan along the line of contact of armed forces of Armenia and Azerbaijan and the border of two countries, Armenia aims to freeze the situation and block any progress in the negotiations process.

Getting devastating response to its armed provocations, realizing its incapability to withstand the rising military power of Azerbaijan and continue to maintain the status-quo, the leadership of Armenia without paying due regard to its irresponsible actions lays ground for political explosion of the situation and derailing the process on pacific settlement of the conflict. Armenia realizes that the liberation of occupied territories of Azerbaijan is inevitable in the settlement process of the conflict.

By such acts, the leadership of Armenia also attempts to justify the obvious failure of its aggressive and annexationist policy and satisfy the demands of various military and extremist circles of Armenian society for the sake of its own internal political ambitions.

If narrow selfish goals prevail over the sober mind and this provocative act is perpetrated, Armenia and its leadership will bear the responsibility of its outcome.

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