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Press release 13 January 2017

No: 02/17, Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

We express our regret and discontent in regards with the invitation of “С хлебом и солью" and "DeleYaman” KVN teams representing the illegal regime established in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan by the International Union of the “Club of the Funny and Inventive People” (KVN) and "AMIK" creative television to the 28th International KVN Festival group taking place on 10-23 January 2016 in Sochi.

The public of Azerbaijan, the numerous KVN fans and lovers of our country perceiving it as a provocative and biased action, protest the invitation of "С хлебом и солью" and "DeleYaman" teams to the 28th International KVN Festival.

The Republic of Azerbaijan has always supported the spirit, goals and objectives of the KVN movement, which contributes to promoting the peace and friendship among peoples and nations. The KVN team of our country traditionally was actively involved in KVN competitions and festivals and contributed to the development of this movement. The latest achievements of the Azerbaijani KVN team is a clear manifestation of it.

However, the invitation of the "С хлебом и солью" and "DeleYaman" teams representing the illegal regime established in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan by Armenia to the 28th International KVN Festival serves for the purpose of politicization of culture and KVN, and does not comply with its goals and objectives. Such action also runs contrary to the spirit of strategic partnership relations between Azerbaijan and Russia.

The international community recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh region as an inalienable part of Azerbaijan and supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

“KVN” International Union and “AMIK” television creative community by allowing the participation of “С хлебом и солью” and “DeleYaman” teams in 28th International KVN Festival demonstrates non-friendly action towards Azerbaijan and enables violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This action serves for propagation and promotion of Armenia's aggression and the policy of occupation against Azerbaijan, as well as the illegal regime established as a result of bloody ethnic cleansing in the occupied territories and separatism. The organizers of this event are very well aware that 20 percent of Azerbaijan’s territories have been occupied, and more than one million people have been expelled from their lands and have become refugees and internally displaced people as a result of Armenian aggression.

We stand hopeful that “KVN” International Union and “AMIK” television creative community will not allow the participation of such provocative teams which pursue the goal of propagating separatism and undermining the spirit of KVN which is based on promoting of friendship among peoples, prosperity and peace.

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